Wednesday, August 25, 2010

solar charger

well that’s the van dragged into the twenty first century, just kitted her out with a solar charger and 300w inverter, “so that’ll be no more big orange lead on camp site’s then”
“so let’s wild camp”


Sandy's witterings said...

Excellent. But how many will I need to power my death ray, ha ha ha ha ha...... sorry, the evil meglamaniac comes to the surface occasionally

Anonymous said...

Charlie say's "Yhaaaay...! unlimited playstation" now he's doing a little happy jig around the room....!!!!!

Unknown said...

With my luck I'd install one on Godzilla and the sun would never come up again.....not world wide, just where Godzilla happened to be! I do have an AC inverter so there's never any excuse from my camera battery, cell phone of MP3 transmitter going dead.