Friday, February 4, 2011

it’s the smiths and Morrissey week on this here blog,4

always save the best till last, my all time favourite song of the legend that is Morrissey but this time it’s the official video not live, because i feel the two went hand in hand and made the concept that is every day is like Sunday (i still say this video should have been shot in black and white)

the smiths and me well think it’s just that growing up thing in the 60’s, we all seemed to have views on everything love, hate, war, meat, and puberty, back then our lives were lived in colour but all our media was in black and white, hence one of my favourite films, Saturday night Sunday morning.

“so the smiths,,,,debate”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now I know what the problem was. I just got a pop up saying content is not available in my country! Imagine that.......keeping stuff from the 'mericans!