Sunday, April 24, 2011


and now the other side of this year’s first break out , “Easter school holiday’s” Charlie (poppy’s son) and his best mate needed entertaining, so the comfortably numb was rigged to take a PlayStation and loaded with water pistol’s, crisp’s, sweet’s, and all the other thing’s your average eleven year olds feel they cant live without, 003  “or maybe not” Charlie after two day’s of all that became Charlie the van boy again, his mate could not keep up, at this point i could write line after line about Charlie and not sum that kid up, the best you could do is read about his mum you couldn't put a fag paper between those two, all i can say is he’s going to enjoy the next two weekend’s his first wild camp and first concert.    


Anonymous said...


Sandy's witterings said...

Looks like a pretty full van - hope you've still a little room left for a couple of Hobgoblins.

Unknown said...

"no sorry sandy no room left after those two" and if there was room for a crate of hobglin charlie would have found the temptation to go from boy to man to much.