Tuesday, June 21, 2011

happy solstice

it’s been a while since my last blog on here but happy solstice every one,    DSCF7993

and a very good time was had by one and all, shame we couldn't take the van and made a long weekend of it (the police two mile parkin restrictions at avebury)  DSCF8010

and PS,, get well soon terry,


Dave Wenning said...

...and the same to you Billy. I had forgotten we have a Stonehenge replica here in Washington State:
It is in south-central Washington on the Columbia River. Another destination for that motor home.

Sandy's witterings said...

Happy solstice (well, it's a bit late but what with all these Scottish clouds we have up here,it's difficult to tell).

I see from pictures on Facebook, that Terry managed to put in an appearance at Avebury. I'm not sure who helped him, (he was in a wheel chair), but he had secured day release from the hospital and was due back. Either that or they sprung him and needed to get him sneaked back in before matrons ward round. It looked like it was Saturday's gorsedd he was at.

Hey Dave, Washinton's stonehenge looks right good - look forward to seeing what it looks like in 4000 years time.