Monday, May 27, 2013

Who was the mystery American guy

spotted this guy at our handfasting didn't know who he was, but think he really enjoyed the day

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well it was one of those day’s when all were welcome, he just got so involved in the whole thing  joined in the circle too,

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 here he is again with our sue

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again  with the good lady idril (peace be upon her) love the expression on her face you can almost read her thoughts “umm pub’s open soon will it be a pint of hobgoblin or a pint of mead”

209 - Copyfinally with the bard of avebury cliff, this guy was just amazing , helping out taking photo’s, meeting and greeting, don't know who this guy was but he made his mark on the day, poppy and i were going to ask him if he wanted to come back to the reception, but like every super hero when we turned round he was gone, but thank you for being the perfect gentleman.

1 comment:

Sandy's witterings said...

A pint of mead !! :) Let me sit down first.

You can usually turn up somebody new at Avebury it seems.